Ocean Power | Tidal

PWMG Ocean Power Team have the experience and knowledge to deliver you quality and experienced personnel

Electricity generation from marine technologies increased an estimated (+33%) from 2019 to 2020, which is significantly above the levels of the previous three years, nevertheless, this technology needs to be deployed much more rapidly to get on track with the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, PWMG are standing with our clients to support their NET zero targets

PWMG has a large amount of professionals with expertise in the pesetting industry Ocean power Industry 

PWMG has a global network and local market knowledge to provide you with a cost-effective energy workforce solution. We understand that the industry is changing and we are here to help you with any challenges you may face. We locate and have created a unique professional pool of talent within the following departments:

  • Development
  • Project Management
  • Contract / BID Management
  • Engineering
  • Procurement / Supply Chain
  • Construction
  • Installation/Commissioning
  • PMO - Project Controls & Scheduling Workforce Planning
  • Health & Safety
  • Risk Management
  • Quality Management

Partner with PWMG


What we offer?

  • Project Upgrades - Management and Development
  • Commercial and Project Support
  • Construction and Design
  • Installation & Commissioning
  • Compliance, and Government Regulation
  • Lifetime extension and power updates
  • Operations & Maintenance
  • Grid Integrations